Example scenes that could be frightening, maybe.


Crissy often finds herself in make-believe worlds. Buzz is a mean vulture who has shown an interest in her very special kitten.

“This town is not big enough for the both of us, Crissy West,” said Buzz. “Leave the cat, and no one will get hurt. Well, no one except the little cat.”

“I can’t do that, varmint. And the only one that is going to get hurt is you. It would be best if you moved along.”

Crissy West drew her gun and shot the hat right off the head of Buzz.

The mean old bird glanced back at his hat. But he did not look frightened. “Now you owe me a cat and a new hat.”

A bunch of loud bangs got my attention. The sound was like firecrackers exploding like they do around the 4th of July. No. Must be gunshots. More loud cracking sounds. The dust stirred at my feet. I rolled behind a water barrel. Buzz had not moved. There must be someone on a rooftop with a rifle. Buzz had a partner! More loud pops. There! I fired. A rifle went flying. Then I stood to face Buzz once again.

For ages around 8-10 and up.1. A VULTURE ATTACK. The awful bird hissed at me again. Then he forced his ugly head into the carrier, trying to reach Golden. Buzz was so strong. The small metal bars of the carrier were bending. Golden’s frightened cries broke my heart, and I realized that bird’s sharp beak would soon reach her.

2. PART OF A CRISSY DAYDREAM. Crissy West drew her trusty Colt revolver and shot the hat right off the head of Buzz.

The mean old bird glanced back at his hat, but he didn’t look frightened as he said, “Now you owe me a cat and a hat.”

A bunch of loud bangs, which sounded an awful lot like 4th of July firecrackers, grabbed Crissy’s attention. Gunshots! More loud cracking sounds followed as the dust stirred near her feet. She rolled behind a water barrel. Buzz had not moved. There must be someone on a rooftop with a rifle. The evil varmint had a partner! More loud pops. There! Crissy fired. A shocked shout echoed down the street, along with the clatter of an old Henry lever action rifle. Crissy stood again to face Buzz.

3. A CRISIS IN CLIFFSIDE. A scream rang out, holding a high note of absolute terror. I looked at Poppy, whose eyes grew wide, and I saw in them reflected flames of fire. Another scream pulled eyes to the shaky video. It was dusky dark outside. I looked outside. The video may have been taken within the last few minutes.

The camera showed a closeup of tree bark, then the view opened up to a field, and finally focused on the corner of a barn. Movement. Something big, maybe a tail, slammed against the barn as it disappeared around the corner. Pieces of siding littered the ground. The huge tail appeared again, as if whatever had gone around the corner was backing up.

The roar was blood curdling but stopped suddenly, even as the tail twisted around. I expected the face of a monster to appear. Instead, a firestorm filled the screen. 


1. From KITTEN CAT-ASTROPHE, PLAYING A VR GAME. Only a few high-level military officers had witnessed the main weapon of the brand-new Galaxy Class Battleships. Captain Cole was watching his screen just as Andromeda fired its particle beam weapon at one of the enemy Mother Ships. There was a touch of wonder in Cole’s voice as he muttered to himself, “It looks like the afterimage of a massive bolt of lightning arcing between the ships.”

The energetic shielding of the Mother Ship glowed brightly for a moment as the tremendously destructive forces were forced to flow around it. Another massive bolt of lightning arcing between the two ships. The enemy ship shined like a bright star for a split second, then gave way to a massive explosion. Frozen clouds of vapor sparkled all around the ship. But even after all of that, most of the ship was intact.

Captain Cole dragged his eyes from the image. “Abernathy! Is the enemy ship done?”

“Negative, sir. Their shields are back online. They are powering up their weapon. And Guardian is offline.”

Cole was about to take full control of the starfighter when a hopeful chime rang out. Guardian was back online, sending a continuous stream of battle data to the ship crews, giving targeting and timing advise. Torpedoes from the starfighters roared into the Mother Ship, two and three at a time, their explosive forces causing the shields to buckle. Laser cannon fire blazed against the weakened shield sections, all coordinated by the Guardian Battle System. Holes opened in hulls, widening as clouds of atmosphere escaped to the freezing vacuum of space. The wintery scene would have been beautiful in another situation. 

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