SHOCKWAVE PUBLISHING COMPANY is dedicated to good wholesome writing with a character-building message and plenty of action. 

LJ Peace is currently writing books for middle graders and anyone who is young at heart. 

Each book has a fast-paced action-adventure story with an important message, like the age-old wisdom from in the Golden Rule. Do to others as you would have them do to you.


LJ has been writing and publishing books under a different author name since 2020, but middle grade books are a new adventure for him. Speaking of author names, those are nice for those who do not like the spotlight. LJ is a little shy. As a child, he loved to read action and adventure books that fueled his already overactive imagination. But life has a way of getting in the way of imagination. At least it did for LJ.

He was born and raised in the Midwest, an awesome place to grow up, but was soon pulled to the beauty of the mountains and ocean of the west coast. There, he and his wife raising 3 boys. That was a lot of fun, mixed with a lot of responsibility. Then, grandkids came along. Bring a grandparent is so much different than being a parent. Parents have to raise their children. Grandparents can focus on things like make believe. After raising boys, those first grandkids were girls and they loved to dream of imaginative worlds. That, in turn, rekindled LJ’s overactive imagination. Story-telling and playtime moved on to writing books.

LJ is committed to young people. He taught Sunday School for years and even became one of the founders of a much-needed youth center in a rural area. No doubt he could go on and on.

If you’re still reading, this may be interesting.

The kREEPY kITTEN series is written mostly in the “voice” of a, roughly, 12-year-old girl. LJ is neither a 12-year-old boy or girl. In fact, he was in the middle of middle school when people first walked on the Moon. Back then, they called in Junior High. Anyway, it’s hard enough to write a book. Why make it even more of a challenge? Well, it seemed a good way to honor those granddaughters in his life. After all, that was what rekindled his overactive imagination. And imagination can take a person anywhere. Grandkids have a lot of insight into things. LJ has girl and boy grandkids. Think of all the adventures and action-packed worlds he can build.

LJ has a pretty good memory, going all the way back to those challenging middle grade and middle school years. He thought, “Why not write some stories dealing with things like anger, envy, and arrogance, without skimping on action and adventure?”

Speaking of action, it would be nice to have a few tools to help work through some of those challenging emotions and behaviors. Action-oriented tools. Like the Golden Rule. Do to others as you would have them do to you. That sort of age-old wisdom still comes in handy today and can be found in his books. All of that, without skimping on plenty of action and adventure, delightful prose, and colorful world-building. Imagine that. 

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